The Scientific evidence as probative value in the crime of rape
in dubio pro reo, jus puniendi, scientific expert evidence, factual propositionAbstract
The criminal process is covered with fundamental guarantees for the actors involved, so that when a citizen is subjected to the state ius puniendi, to achieve his conviction, the evidentiary activity deployed can be collected by direct or circumstantial evidence, capable of achieving a trial with certainty (in the judge). However, in cases of crimes against sexual freedom, the Prosecutor's Office usually omits the expert scientific DNA test, being a mandatory requirement for the prosecutor to produce it, guaranteeing and verifying the factual proposition, as an object of evidence in the process. conviction of an accused. Logically, this judicial or legal truth displayed in the oral trial must undermine the presumption of innocence or the principle of in dubio pro indictment (doubt favors the accused), or in all establish criminal responsibility, that in both cases, the acquittal o conviction must explain the reasons or the reasons on which the judicial decision is based in one way or another; and that there are no false convictions or false acquittals, especially in this type of crime.
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