Application of the basic financial statements for marking decisions of Mypes


  • Zoila Rosa Lira-Camargo Universidad Nacional de Barranca
  • Maria Consuelo Merino-Diaz Universidad Nacional de Barranca



accountant, management, rates, economic units, users


The Mypes in the district of Barranca, are immersed in activities such as commerce, transport and various human activities, however, not all are aware of the great importance of financial information for decision making; That is why the present investigation had the objective of establishing the application and interpretation of the basic financial statements in the decision making of Mypes. The research was of a basic type, with a quantitative approach and a non-experimental, descriptive, correlational design, in addition, the inductive analytical method was applied, based on specific observation or observation of particular cases raised. The survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire with 20 items, developed in a single moment, was used as an instrument. The results showed that only 17.40% of the Mypes make use of the financial statements in the accounting application in decision making and only 26.09% perform interpretation of the economic reports, to obtain credit benefits, and face to tax liabilities. Concluding that there is a weak positive correlation between the variables application and interpretation of the Financial Statements and decision making in the Mypes of the Barranca district.


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How to Cite

Application of the basic financial statements for marking decisions of Mypes. (2022). QuantUNAB, 1(1), e4.